
The purpose of One-to-One coaching is to support individuals to develop their self awareness and self mastery to increase performance and achieve their potential.  This is enabled through a dynamic, positive, enriching learning partnership between coach and client set in a spacious, confidential, and trust inducing environment.  Each coaching programme is tailored to address the unique needs of the individual in cognisance of their organisation and personal goals.

Drawing on a variety of innovative, thought provoking techniques the coach supports the individual to make new discoveries and develop strategies to address the challenges and opportunities of mastering their career success. Success is achieved by tackling blockers, strengthening resilience, shifting mindsets, developing self awareness and the skills and tools to progress.

An individual’s coaching agenda can evolve over time as priorities and self awareness grow – such that we may go deeper into exploring some of the wider patterns in their outlook, worldview, values, beliefs and way of being that may be helping or hindering them.

Who For

One to one coaching is offered to top talent, senior leaders, and leaders in transition to address the challenges and opportunities of working in high performance organisations.


Our one to one coaching can deliver the following value:

  • Strengthened leadership presence and increased range in leadership style and skills
  • Improved interpersonal style and greater sense of personal confidence
  • Advanced ability in handling challenging stakeholders and team members
  • Deeper understanding of inner thought patterns and self imposed limitations and how to deal with them in a positive way
  • Important mindset shifts - for example adopting a commercial mindset, being able to sell, speaking with confidence to senior audiences or handling robust challenge
  • Greater clarity and balance in career and life priorities, and personal brand
  • Strengthened resilience and decision making
  • Greater understanding of the way personal power can be used, strengthened, shared and taken
  • Enhanced strategic and creative thinking
  • More established self awareness, sense of choice and control about own behaviours
  • An armory of strategies for building relationships and handling complex clients
  • Accelerated development during role transitions


Coaching is a journey of learning as opposed to a point in time one off intervention.  A coaching programme typically comprises 10 to 16 hours of face to face, one to one coaching targeted at achieving the goals agreed between the organisation, individual and coach. Each 2 hour meeting is typically held in a private meeting room at client offices at 4-6 week intervals to allow for reflection, practice and ongoing learning over an agreed timeframe. Programmes are scheduled up front, start to finish, to ensure it fits appropriately with the coachees wider commitments.


“Coaching is a very individual and powerful personal experience and for me it is one of the best things I have undertaken. It’s helped me come out of my shell and grow as a person which has impacted both work and personal aspects of my life.”

“I’ve already recommended coaching to multiple colleagues; it’s the single best thing I’ve ever used training points for to enhance my personal development, and I’ll definitely be doing more.”

“I found coaching to be a real eye-opener. Having thought I had a specific ‘problem area’ I needed to work on, I actually found that it helped me reflect on, work through, and develop myself across a more broad set of  areas. As a result I feel a lot more confident.”

“I feel I have elevated the way that I work from coaching – focusing more clearly and acting more strongly in my roles. I act more at an executive level, work in a more connected way with others including delegating more so this is possible.”